(8332)25-54-42 610046, г. Киров ул. Р. Ердякова, 23/2

Editorial board

Natalja Vjatcheslavovna SokolovaCandidate of Pedagogics; the Rector of the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Natalja Yurjevna BlokhinaVice-Rector for Digital Development, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Natalja Victorovna BuldakovaDoctor of Pedagogics, Professor; Head of the Department of Pedagogics of the Pedagogical Institute, Vyatka State University
Elena Olegovna GalitzkikhDoctor of Pedagogics, Professor; Vyatka State University 
Irina Sergeyevna DarovskikhCandidate of Pedagogics; Head of the Center for Science and Innovations, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Olga Vladimirovna KazarinovaVice-Rector for Science and Innovations, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Galina Aleksandrovna KobelevaDirector of the Center for Continuous Improvement of Pedagogical Excellence, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Nina Vladimirovna KorotaevaHead of the Department of Preschool and Primary General Education, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Galina Ivanovna KortchaginaCandidate of Psychology, Methodologist of the Center of Education and Psychology, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Irina Alexeyevna KrestininaCandidate of Pedagogics; Head of the Department of Inclusive Education, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Lyudmila Alexandrovna MosunovaDoctor of Psychology, Professor; Professor of the Department of Journalism and Integrated Communications of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vyatka State University
 Nadezhda Valerjevna NosovaCandidate of Pedagogics; Head of the Department of Academic Subjects, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
Tatjana Vladimirovna StebakovaSenior Methodologist of the Department of Professional Education, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region
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