| Natalja Vjatcheslavovna Sokolova | Candidate of Pedagogics; the Rector of the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Natalja Yurjevna Blokhina | Vice-Rector for Digital Development, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Natalja Victorovna Buldakova | Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor; Head of the Department of Pedagogics of the Pedagogical Institute, Vyatka State University |
 | Elena Olegovna Galitzkikh | Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor; Vyatka State University |
 | Irina Sergeyevna Darovskikh | Candidate of Pedagogics; Head of the Center for Science and Innovations, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Olga Vladimirovna Kazarinova | Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Galina Aleksandrovna Kobeleva | Director of the Center for Continuous Improvement of Pedagogical Excellence, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Nina Vladimirovna Korotaeva | Head of the Department of Preschool and Primary General Education, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Galina Ivanovna Kortchagina | Candidate of Psychology, Methodologist of the Center of Education and Psychology, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Irina Alexeyevna Krestinina | Candidate of Pedagogics; Head of the Department of Inclusive Education, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Lyudmila Alexandrovna Mosunova | Doctor of Psychology, Professor; Professor of the Department of Journalism and Integrated Communications of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vyatka State University |
| Nadezhda Valerjevna Nosova | Candidate of Pedagogics; Head of the Department of Academic Subjects, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |
 | Tatjana Vladimirovna Stebakova | Senior Methodologist of the Department of Professional Education, the Institute for Education Development of the Kirov Region |