(8332)25-54-42 610046, г. Киров ул. Р. Ердякова, 23/2

Basic information

The founder of the journal is the Kirov Regional State Educational Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education «Institute for the Development of Education of the Kirov Region».

Address: Roman Erdyakov st., house 23, building 2, Kirov, Kirov region, Russia.

The journal has been published since 2007.

On March 25, 2016, the Roskomnadzor Office for the Kirov Region registered the journal “Education in the Kirov Region” as a mass media.

Since 2018, the journal «Education in the Kirov Region» has been published in two versions: in print and electronic form. Subscribers can be individuals and legal entities.

The journal publishes analytical data, achievements in the most important and promising areas of development of education in the Kirov region, scientific reports, concerning experience of educational organizations, effective school management, management psychology, organization of methodological and educational work, innovative technologies in management, and educational process. This is not a complete list of topics discussed on the pages of the journal. And most importantly – there is the opportunity to get acquainted with the management and pedagogical experience of colleagues, evaluate your own activities, and present your educational organization. That is of interest to both educational workers and children and their parents.


  • Education Management
  • Regional Documents in the Educational Sphere
  • General Education
  • Secondary Vocational Education
  • Inclusive Education
  • Regional Innovative Educational Organizations
  • Issues of Training and Education
  • Regional News in the Educational Sphere
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